Friday, June 3, 2011

Jarak Sebenar Bumi & Bulan

Pernah tak uols fikir berapa jauh sebenar antara bumi dan bulan ? Kalau tak tahu jaraknya ialah 250, 000 batu atau 402 336 kilometer. Ini adalah lebih kurang 402 kali ganda jarak diantara Kuala Lumpur dan London.

Dibawah ialah gambar skala sebenar jarak antara bumi dan bulan. Jauh juga kan ? Krew Apollo 11 yang mendarat di bulan pada tahun 1969 mengambil masa 3 hari untuk tiba ke bulan dari bumi.

Kalau kamu memandu kereta pada kelajuan highway Malaysia pula, kamu perlu memandu selama 152.4 hari . This is if your car can travel in a vacuum !

Pakaian Rasulullah SAW

Sandal @ Capal


Jubah Dan Tongkat


Cop Mohor Islam

Rambut Dan Gigi

Bekas Tapak Kaki

Kunci Kaabah Zaman Rasullullah

Panji Perjuangan

Busur Panah

Topi Perang Besi


Surat Utusan

Pintu Emas Makam

Kecelakaan World Sauna Championships

Pertandingan yang berlansung pada 07 Ogos 2010 ini menjadi mimpi ngeri apabila mantan tempat ketiga, Vladimir Ladyzhensky yang juga merupakan salah satu peserta finalis meninggal dunia akibat luka melecur dan terbakar setelah 7 minit berada dalam bilik sauna yang mencecah 110 ºC ( 230 °F ).

3 Pesan Nabi Buat Kita

Ada 3 perkara yang diperingatkan oleh Rasulullah SAW kepada kita.

Dari Abu Hurairah RA. Ia berkata Rasulullah SAW bersabda : " Jika umatku sudah mengagungkan dunia, maka akan tercabut dari mereka kehebatan Islam; dan jika umatku sudah meninggalkan amar maruf nahi munkar, diharamkan baginya keberkahan wahyu; dan jika umatku sudah saling mencaci, maka jatuhlah ia dari pandangan Allah " ( HR. Hakim dan Tarmidzi )

Let's Go To ITALY

Almalfi Coast


Lake Como

Lake Garda








Thursday, June 2, 2011

Kisah Seekor Ulat Dengan Nabi Daud AS

Dalam sebuah kitab Imam Al-Ghazali menceritakan pada suatu ketika tatkala Nabi Daud AS sedang duduk dalam suraunya sambil membaca kitab az-Zabur, dengan tiba-tiba dia terpandang seekor ulat merah pada debu.

Lalu Nabi Daud AS berkata pada dirinya, "Apa yang dikehendaki Allah dengan ulat ini ? "

Sebaik sahaja Nabi Daud selesai berkata begitu, maka Allah pun mengizinkan ulat merah itu berkata - kata. Lalu ulat merah itu pun mula berkata-kata kepada Nabi Daud AS " Wahai Nabi Allah ! Allah SWT telah mengilhamkan kepadaku untuk membaca

" Subhanallahu walhamdulillahi wala ilaha illallahu wallahu akbar " setiap hari sebanyak 1000 kali dan pada malamnya Allah mengilhamkan kepadaku supaya membaca " Allahumma solli ala Muhammadin annabiyyil ummiyyi wa ala alihi wa sohbihi wa sallim " setiap malam sebanyak 1000 kali.

Setelah ulat merah itu berkata demikian, maka dia pun bertanya kepada Nabi Daud AS " Apakah yang dapat kamu katakan kepadaku agar aku dapat faedah darimu ? "

Akhirnya Nabi Daud menyedari akan kesilapannya kerana memandang remeh akan ulat tersebut, dan dia sangat takut kepada Allah SWT maka Nabi Daud AS pun bertaubat dan menyerah diri kepada Allah SWT

Begitulah sikap para Nabi AS apabila mereka menyedari kesilapan yang telah dilakukan maka dengan segera mereka akan bertaubat dan menyerah diri kepada Allah SWT. Kisah - kisah yang berlaku pada zaman para nabi bukanlah untuk kita ingat sebagai bahan sejarah, tetapi hendaklah kita jadikan sebagai teladan supaya kita tidak memandang rendah kepada apa sahaja makhluk Allah yang berada di bumi yang sama-sama kita tumpangi ini.

10 Most Bizarrely Shaped Lakes & Rivers

1. Eros Lake - India

From the bottom of the heart : If you fancy giving a lake photo as a valentine gift, the heart shaped Lake Eros is the water body for you. The Chembra Peak in India overlooks what is the symbol of love throughout the world, at 1,398 metres above sea level. The water not only warms the eyes but is also at a fairly tolerable temperature with a surface area of 1,827 square meters.

2. Peyto Lake – Canada

B for Bear ? Situated among the Canadian Rockies is the bright turquoise bear shaped lake, Peyto. The lake was named for Bill Peyto, an early trail guideand trapper in the Banff area. It is fed by the glaciers overhead and is easily accessed from the Ice fields Parkway.

3. Schulensmeer Lake – Belgium

Giant water gun : Nature and man worked together to unintentionally make a weapon out of Belgium’s 2.5 km long Schulensmeer. A highway was constructed nearby in 1970’s and the parcels of land brought for it turned the lake into a pistol shape. It is not as deadly as it seems, however in case of flooding it causes the Demer River to overflow. Otherwise, sailing, surfing and water sports are the powder in the gun.

4. McKinley Lake – Alaska

Judging by the cover : This fishy lake is situated near Alaska’s Mt. McKinley, the highest mountain peak in North America at around 6,194 meters. The base of the mountain is lower than that of Everest, giving it a higher rise and it is also bulkier than the Himalayas, which is why no one pays heed to the frozen fish hidden behind it.

5. Sao Paulo Lake – Brazil

Manhunt : The fishing community n countryside of Sao Paulo state, in Brazil must be highly amused by this happy looking man lake, someone has gone through a lot of effort to give the lake a shape of a giant man. Here, the nature has been tempered with. Personally, I find the 140 meter tall man a bit unnerving.

6. Yueyaquan Lake – China

A trip to the moon : We have seen water reflect the sky and clouds, but this is a lake that is shaped like a crescent. It is an attractive spot for tourists on camels in China, located 6 km south of the city of Dunhuang in Gansu Province. The oasis has rather a majestic presence.

7. Horseshoe Lake – Canada

A wet stadium : Ox bow lakes are formed due to cutting off of wide meanders from the main river. Same is the case which caused Canada’s Horseshoe Lake to come into being. This good luck charm is located along the long the Red River, near Morris in southern Manitoba.

8. Manicouagan Lake – Canada

Engaging ring : One of the seven wonders of Canada, a ring-shaped hydroelectric reservoir lake occupies the centre of Quebec’s Manicouagan Crater. This shuttle view shows the prominent 70 kilometers diameter, ice-covered annular lake that fills a ring where impact-brecciated rock has been eroded by glaciation.

9. Fisheating Creek – Florida

Use your imagination : This could be anything. It depends upon how you perceive it. It could be a hand grabbing something, a dragon spitting fire or a bird with a funny eye. Fisheating Creek is the zigzagging body of water which runs through Cowbone March west of Florida’s Lake Okeechobee, itself known asThe Big O.

10. Horseshoe Bend – Arizona

Feeling lucky
? Beautifully green; above is an almost ox bow lake. Arizona’s Horseshoe Bend, a magnificent meander of the Colorado River situated slightly downstream from Lake Powell within Glen Canyon National Recreation Area; is very easy on the eye.